Creative solutions
for global problems

The Hive Initiative helps groups approach global crises through using the powers of design and design thinking. We are on a mission to create useful solutions that nurture hopeful and resilient communities.

Our Mission

Human Wellbeing, Climate Stability, Nature Resilience
Increase awareness and hope
Increase action towards

Educational Projects

  • Logo for Accelerating the Turnarounds at Work

    Accelerating the Turnarounds at Work

    An educational campaign in collaboration with Earth4All that answers the question: How can we use our jobs to help make a resilient future? See more

  • Climate Workspace logo

    Climate Workspace

    Our ongoing educational video series that aims to educate and inspire viewers about topics related to sustainability at their jobs.
    See more

  • The Actionist Logo

    The Actionist Blog

    Our blog where we promote the work and ideas of people bringing sustainability into their daily work
    See more