Improve culture. Reduce impact. Stand out from the crowd.

Do you want your business to stand out by taking action that highlights your commitment to climate change? Are you ready for your employees to feel proud of your company’s active involvement in global issues? Hire our certified educational courses for your employees. We offer various certifications with audits to help you achieve your goals as an environmentally committed company, while also alleviating any climate anxiety your employees may be experiencing.

The Mini Climate Summit is an educational workshop that combines creativity and a focused approach to ensure your company shines brighter than the rest. It brings employees together in real time to learn science-based facts and then gives them a forum to collaborate on solutions.

Mini Climate Summit Types

  • For Remote Teams

    Team Collaboration

    Our classic 90 minute Summit for up to 50 participants around the globe, which can be repeated with varied topics.

  • For New Hires

    New Joiner Experience

    A Summit to welcome new hires, introduce them to sustainability in their jobs, upscale their knowledge and collect their ideas from week one.

  • For All Hands

    Information Assembly

    An interactive event that brings minds together to understand a sustainability topic. Perfect for All Hands and other meetings with many attendees.

  • For Leaders

    Executive Forum

    A safe space for executives to explore sustainability topics, understand risks and create solutions.


We will work with you to determine the topic for each Mini Climate Summit, which can either be a broad introductory overview or more specific, which will allow for deeper understanding and more actionable results. Below are a list of possible topics:

by Challenge

  • Climate Change

  • Biodiversity

  • Pollution

  • Risk

  • Resource Scarcity

  • Inequality

  • Fraud + Greenwashing

by Solution

  • Wellbeing Economy

by Industry

  • Energy

  • Fashion

  • Food

  • Finance

  • IT

  • Transportation


An image of the Implementation Framework

The framework provides an easy-to-follow structure that makes it simple to take workshop results and make them a reality with climate sprints.

The framework is given as a free bonus with the Mini Climate Summit.


Neutral and Objective

Why add Mini Climate Summits to your existing sustainability programs? To strengthen and amplify your efforts.

Science Based

Brings an unbiased perspective and shares best practices from others we work with

Conveys the latest data and insights from the scientific community, bringing everyone up to date

Measurable and Reportable

Allows groups in offices far and wide to come together and work together, improving morale

Helps measure impact and record improvements, making it easy to set climate KPIs

Is interactive, collaborative and uplifting and makes all participants valued stakeholders

Tailored to You



Executive Forum
Information Assembly


Team Collaboration
New Joiner Experience


Perhaps you have a Sustainability Week coming up and want to both have a presentation at an All Hands meeting as well as a workshop with interested participants.

Or, maybe you need a recurring program for new hires.

Or a quarterly meeting for executives to work through sustainability topics that affect the business.

We tailor your Mini Climate Summit package to fit your needs, as well as customise the content to coordinate with your location and industry.

In Action

An image of the Mini Climate Summit at NORD/LB

Team Collaboration sessions

NORD/LB is one of the largest commercial banks in Germany. 60 people gathered for the first Mini Climate Summit in the German office, then 40 participants gathered for a second one with the London and Singapore offices.

NORD/LB used this as a jumping off point to start their own climate initiative in their company called the Change Initiative. They invited the Hive Initiative back to facilitate another workshop on resource scarcity, which was based on the same Team Collaboration template.


  • "We developed a lot of valuable ideas to take more climate action during the workshop, which we have already communicated inside the company and will follow up on regularly. We knew we could do more for a while but now we’re finally taking action.”

    – Participant from Nord/LB

  • "The Mini Climate Summit highlighted to me that ideas on how to solve big challenges like climate change can come from anywhere and that sometimes the best first step is to let them come to light."

    – Participant from HUB Ocean

  • "(I liked) the break out sessions as everyone was contributing to the group work by defining ways to strengthen our corporate ESG..."

    – Participant from Nord/LB

  • "The informative part was very interesting and also sad as climate change has a bad impact on the planet and those that live on it. However I really liked how the Hive Initiative team was not only focussing on the bad things but was optimistic that we can stop the worst if we all contribute to climate action."

    – Participant from Nord/LB

  • "Good examples that made me think."

    – Participant from Nord/LB

  • I personally really enjoyed the Mini Climate Summit organised by the Hive Initiative. It was a great way of discussing the climate emergency with my colleagues and coming up with ideas on how we, as a company, could make a difference.

    – Paricipant from HUB Ocean

We will be happy to give you a tour of the Mini Climate Summit and its possibilities for scaling education and empowerment at your company. Just fill out the form and we will be in contact with you within 1-2 work days.

Request a Demo

For Remote Teams

Team Collaboration

New Joiner Experience

For New Hires
For All Hands

Information Assembly

For Leaders
