Employee Sustainability Training Designed for Engagement

Topics include climate change, biodiversity and human wellbeing.

Sustainability training is quickly becoming something companies need to implement in order to show their commitment towards addressing global challenges. Forward-thinking companies know that retention of the information is key and that real results need to be shown.

The Mini Climate Summit is an educational workshop experience for employees that combines creativity and collaboration to ensure information is absorbed and then used. It brings groups together in real time to learn science-based facts and then gives them a forum to collaborate on solutions.

A better approach to sustainability training

Engages active learning icon

Facilitates stakeholder involvement

The Mini Climate Summit and its outcomes make it easy to engage and align employee stakeholders. It aligns to the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (Disclosure requirement S1-4: undertakings to address opportunities related to how a company engages with its employees in relation to achieving SDGs).

Saves your company money icon

Saves your company money

Measures that are good for the planet can also be good for business, such as ones which reduce waste and save energy. By getting solutions from employees, the company benefits from more areas of applied knowledge as employees bring the understanding of their roles to cost-saving sustainability measures.

Strengthens work culture icon

Distributes sustainability tasks

Sustainability leaders have a lot to manage. At the same time employees want more involvement and purpose-driven work. Our workshop series makes it easy for employee-led teams to help make reportable sustainability improvements at their companies.

How it works

Step One: Write Us

Write us at our form below and we will schedule time to tell you more at an introductory meeting.

Step Two: Set a date

Set a date and prepare for the Summit. We will guide you through the process so all goes smoothly.

Step Three: Host the Summit

Host the Summit. Each summit can have up to 50 participants and lasts 90 minutes.

Step Four: Get the Results

Implement the results.
We will capture all Summit ideas given and provide an implementation framework that makes it easy to turn them into reality.

Step Five: Repeat yearly

Repeat yearly to make taking action together a cherished part of company culture.

Above: A Mini Climate Summit at HUB Ocean

A Mini Climate Summit at NORD/LB Bank

Above: A Mini Climate Summit with NORD/LB Bank


Companies that take real action towards sustainability should be recognised and easy to find. With our certification program, your company’s commitment to educating and empowering your employees with the Mini Climate Summit is visible and promoted.


The Mini Climate Summit and its outcomes can be used to show compliance in disclosure reports for regulations concerning a company’s own workforce.

It aligns to the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive with undertakings to address impacts and opportunities related to a company’s own workforce.

What Participants Thought

  • "I liked the break out sessions as everyone was contributing to the group work by defining ways to strengthen our corporate ESG..."

    – Participant from NORD/LB

  • "We developed a lot of valuable ideas to take more climate action during the workshop, which we have already communicated inside the company and will follow up on regularly. We knew we could do more for a while but now we’re finally taking action.”

    – Participant from NORD/LB

  • "The Mini Climate Summit highlighted to me that ideas on how to solve big challenges like climate change can come from anywhere and that sometimes the best first step is to let them come to light."

    – Participant from HUB Ocean

  • "The informative part was very interesting and also sad as climate change has a bad impact on the planet and those that live on it. However I really liked how the Hive Initiative team was not only focussing on the bad things but was optimistic that we can stop the worst if we all contribute to climate action."

    – Participant from NORD/LB

  • "Good examples that made me think."

    – Participant from NORD/LB

  • I personally really enjoyed the Mini Climate Summit organised by the Hive Initiative. It was a great way of discussing the climate emergency with my colleagues and coming up with ideas on how we, as a company, could make a difference.

    – Paricipant from HUB Ocean

Request a Meeting

We will be happy to give you a tour of the Mini Climate Summit and its possibilities for scaling education and empowerment at your company. Just fill out the form and we will be in contact with you within 1-2 work days.